Call for Papers and Deadlines

Abstract Categories

  • Fluidics in Medical Diagnostics
  • Fluidics in Water Treatment
  • Novel Microfluidic Technologies

Submission Guidelines for Extended Abstract:

All Submissions will be received through ConfTool.

For submissions, kindly ensure the inclusion of the following items:

  • Conduct a thorough spell-check.
  • Ensure the numbering of all figures, tables, and charts. Captions for figures should be placed below, while those for tables should appear above. All figures should be of electronic quality, preferably in TIFF or EPS format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  • Convert the document to PDF (*.pdf) format. Ensure the embedding of any non-standard fonts within the PDF. The final file size should not exceed 2MB.

Submission Guidelines for Selected Full Paper:

The most outstanding abstracts from the total of submissions will be invited to extend their articles into a full paper format for submission and possible inclusion in the Special Issue of the Journal of Nature Microsystems & Nanoengineering.

All submissions will undergo a rigorous evaluation process by the Technical Program Committee (TPC) to determine their suitability for either poster or oral presentation. Notwithstanding the preference indicated by the authors, the TPC’s decision will be binding. Acceptance of abstracts will hinge on the following criteria:

  • Linguistic clarity and precision of ideas and visual representations.
  • Alignment of the work with the conference’s overarching theme and strict adherence to provided templates and guidelines.
  • Contributions that either deepen the understanding of foundational scientific principles or introduce groundbreaking technologies.
  • Empirical validation of any proposed technology, substantiated with robust evidence.
  • Comprehensive details enabling readers to grasp the full scope of the work.
  • Proper citation of pertinent literature.
  • Explicit enumeration of significant achievements and the potential impact, both scientifically and societally, of the work presented.

Dates of importance

  • Abstract and full paper submission: 15 March 2024

Submission process

  • The contributions will be managed through ConfTool.
  • You may submit your contribution in two PDF documents: a blind extended abstract (without author(s) information) and a document with the abstract title and author(s) information.
  • It is necessary to use the template for the extended abstract and the full article.
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